For other details, look at the table in the Exam Booklet (U8 section of the ICT/Computing Intranet)
If you have any difficulties explaining specific programming details (ifs/ select case, for next etc...) look it up on the Internet or using the VB syntax guide (U8 section of the ICT/Computing Intranet)
Write about best program
When writing the report make sure you only talk about the best program you wrote, you can compare this with the first version (if you did two versions) in the evaluation.
Make sure you use the headings from the table in the Exam booklet, this will help the examiner see what you have written about
Organise using short paragraphs
Make sure under each heading you write about one thing at a time in separate paragraphs, for example each global storage should be talked about on its own, don't lump them together - this will make it clearer for the examiner.
Refer to the code
You must list or show a screenshot of the code you are referring to. e.g if you are talking about the global storage you created then show that in the code. If you have line numbers printed you can refer to that
Data types
Make sure you have explained all the data types for your storage (why single, string, integer, boolean where chosen)
If you have used parameters for your subroutines or functions (the bit in the brackets that allows you to pass a value to the subroutine/function then explain what the data type is (string, integer, single, boolean etc...) and the purpose of the parameter (what is it used for). Also show the code where the subroutine/function is called (run from) to show the parameter value being passed.
If you used a function, explain that it returns a value and explain what type (single, integer, string, boolean) of data it returns
Make sure you always explain your calculations by showing the code and explaining what the code is doing, don't forget the = sign means store. e.g
ericsNumber = 10 * number this would multiply 10 the value of the variable number and store the results in the variable ericsNumber
Also make sure you explain code that is storing simple values into your local or global variables
Input code
Make sure you explain clearly any code responsible for taking input from the user, explain where the input is stored.
Output code
Make sure you explain how output is displayed, is this by storing text in the text property of a label, or showing a message box
String manipulation
Make sure you explain any code that involves stitching text (strings) and values held in variables to form meaningful output (make sure you explain about any padding using spaces in your text).
Make sure you explain any code that uses Substring() or ToLower(). Explain clearly what these do.
If you specified any filters for dialog boxes explain the structure of the filter
Show code where the order of statements (lines) matters and explain why they have to be done in that order
Make sure you explain your decisions, these include
If test Then
action if test true
If test Then
action if test true
action if test false
Nested If structures
If test Then
If another test then
action if another test also true
end if
action if test false
end if
Select statements
Select Case item to compare
Case is it this : action
Case is it this : action
End Select
Try and Catch
code that may fail
sensible error message
End Try
better use
code that may fail
Catch ex As OverflowException
related error message
Catch ex As FormatException
related error message
End Try
Make sure you clearly explain what is being performed inside the loop and when the loop will finish. If in doubt refer to VB Syntax guide or look it up on the Internet.
For Next loops
Explain what the control variable is used for, if it is used inside the loop to perform a specific purpose inside the loop then explain this. Explain where the start and stop values come from.
For control variable = start value To stop value
actions to perform in loop
While Loops
Make sure you again explain what is happening inside the loop and explain when the loop will end, what is will make the stop condtion become false and end the loop. If you have used NOT you need to explain that this turns a true value to false and a false value to true.
While stop condition
actions to perform in loop
End While
Clear annotated screenshots showing program working, checked against hand done calculations.
Clear annotated screenshots showing all error messages, explaining what code was responsible.
File Handling
Explain the Creation of StreamReaders and StreamWriters (what do they do)
Explain all Reading and Writing code (Readline, WriteLine)
Explain what Close() does with StreamReaders and StreamWriters